Simple, Transparent Pricing

Secure Payments powered by Lemon Squeezy.

One-time Purchase

$0.15 / credit

Try it now, pay as you go!

50 credits

$0.20 / credit


135 credits

$0.15 / credit


300 credits

$0.10 / credit


All plans include:

  • AI-powered image analysis
  • Detailed text descriptions
  • Code extraction from images
  • Markdown conversion
  • Email support
  • No recurring charges

Monthly Subscription

$0.05 / credit

Save big with our monthly plan!

200 credits

$0.10 / credit


600 credits

$0.05 / credit


10000 credits

$0.01 / credit


All plans include:

  • All one-time purchase features
  • Monthly credit rollover
  • Priority processing
  • Advanced API access
  • 24/7 premium support
  • Custom integration support (high-tier)
  • Cancel anytime
Best value for regular users - save up to 90%!